On Tue, 8 Jan 2008, Tom Spink wrote:

> Where in the code is the message length being sent across the socket?

In do_producer(), there are the following lines in the main loop:

        /* Send random lengths of data */
        messages[i].length = (rand() % MAXLEN) + sizeof(size_t);
        iov[i].iov_len = messages[i].length;

The entire "struct sockmsg" is sent across the socket, so the first
size_t in each message contains the length of the entire message
(including the size_t).  This size gets picked up at the
recv(...,MSG_PEEK) line in do_consumer().


Brent Casavant                          All music is folk music.  I ain't
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        never heard a horse sing a song.
Silicon Graphics, Inc.                    -- Louis Armstrong
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