Radu Rendec wrote:

> Hi,
> While trying to implement u32 hashes in my shaping machine I ran into a
> possible bug in the u32 hash/bucket computing algorithm
> (net/sched/cls_u32.c).
> The problem occurs only with hash masks that extend over the octet
> boundary, on little endian machines (where htonl() actually does
> something).
> I'm not 100% sure this is a problem with u32 itself, but at least I'm
> sure u32 with the same configuration would behave differently on little
> endian and big endian machines. Detailed description of the problem and
> proposed patch follow.

I think you are right about this different behavior, so it looks like a bug.
And since little endian way is uncontrollable in such a case, your proposal
should be right.

But, since there is a maintainer for this, let's check what is he not payed
for?! (Cc: Jamal Hadi Salim)

Jarek P.

> Let's say that I would like to use 0x3fc0 as the hash mask. This means 8
> contiguous "1" bits starting at b6. With such a mask, the expected (and
> logical) behavior is to hash any address in, for instance,
> in bucket 0, then any address in in
> bucket 1, then in bucket 2 and so on.
> This is exactly what would happen on a big endian machine, but on little
> endian machines, what would actually happen with current implementation
> is 0x3fc0 being reversed (into 0xc03f0000) by htonl() in the userspace
> tool and then applied to 192.168.x.x in the u32 classifier. When
> shifting right by 16 bits (rank of first "1" bit in the reversed mask)
> and applying the divisor mask (0xff for divisor 256), what would
> actually remain is 0x3f applied on the "168" octet of the address.
> One could say is this can be easily worked around by taking endianness
> into account in userspace and supplying an appropriate mask (0xfc03)
> that would be turned into contiguous "1" bits when reversed
> (0x03fc0000). But the actual problem is the network address (inside the
> packet) not being converted to host order, but used as a host-order
> value when computing the bucket.
> Let's say the network address is written as n31 n30 ... n0, with n0
> being the least significant bit. When used directly (without any
> conversion) on a little endian machine, it becomes
> n7 ... n0 n8 ..n15 etc in the machine's registers. Thus bits n7 and n8
> would no longer be adjacent and and
> would no longer be consecutive.
> My approach to this issue was keeping the hash mask in host order and
> converting the octets in the packet to host order before applying the
> mask. This proved to work just fine on my little endian machine, but I'm
> interested in finding out (from you) if this really is an issue with u32
> itself.
> My changes to the u32 classifier are attached below as a patch. It was
> made against, but applies cleanly on Dave Miller's net-2.6
> tree.
> The idea behind my changes is to keep the user space tool intact and
> work everything out in kernel space (because converting the packet
> octets to host order must be done in kernel anyway).
> Therefore, hash masks are converted back to host order when a selector
> is configured - in u32_change() - and converted to network order
> (because userspace tools expect to get them in network order from the
> kernel) when a selector is dumped - in u32_dump().
> I would like at least to know your opinion about this issue.
> Thanks,
> Radu Rendec
> --- linux-   2007-10-30 17:08:03.000000000 
> +0200
> +++ linux-        2007-10-30 17:04:49.000000000 
> +0200
> @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
>               ht = n->ht_down;
>               sel = 0;
>               if (ht->divisor)
> -                     sel = 
> ht->divisor&u32_hash_fold(*(u32*)(ptr+n->sel.hoff), &n->sel,n->fshift);
> +                     sel = 
> ht->divisor&u32_hash_fold(ntohl(*(u32*)(ptr+n->sel.hoff)), &n->sel,n->fshift);
>               if (!(n->sel.flags&(TC_U32_VAROFFSET|TC_U32_OFFSET|TC_U32_EAT)))
>                       goto next_ht;
> @@ -626,6 +626,10 @@
>       }
>  #endif
> +     /* userspace tc tool sends us the hmask in network order, but we
> +      * need host order, so change it here */
> +     s->hmask = ntohl(s->hmask);
> +
>       memcpy(&n->sel, s, sizeof(*s) + s->nkeys*sizeof(struct tc_u32_key));
>       n->ht_up = ht;
>       n->handle = handle;
> @@ -735,9 +739,14 @@
>               u32 divisor = ht->divisor+1;
>               RTA_PUT(skb, TCA_U32_DIVISOR, 4, &divisor);
>       } else {
> +             /* get the address where the selector will be put, then
> +              * change the hmask after it is put there */
> +             struct tc_u32_sel *s =
> +                     (struct tc_u32_sel *)RTA_DATA(skb_tail_pointer(skb));
>               RTA_PUT(skb, TCA_U32_SEL,
>                       sizeof(n->sel) + n->sel.nkeys*sizeof(struct tc_u32_key),
>                       &n->sel);
> +             s->hmask = htonl(s->hmask);
>               if (n->ht_up) {
>                       u32 htid = n->handle & 0xFFFFF000;
>                       RTA_PUT(skb, TCA_U32_HASH, 4, &htid);
> -
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