On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 3:22 AM Jiri Pirko <j...@resnulli.us> wrote:

> >Consider a physical QSFP connector comprising 4 lanes. Today, if the
> >speed is forced, we would achieve 100G speeds using all 4 lanes with
> >NRZ encoding. If we configure the port for PAM4 encoding at the same
> >speed, then we only require 2 of the available 4 lanes. The remaining 2
> >lanes are wasted. If we only require 2 of the 4 lanes, why not split the
> >port and request the same speed of one of the now split out ports? Now,
> >this same speed is only achievable using PAM4 encoding (it is implied)
> >and we have a spare, potentially usable, assuming an appropriate break-
> >out cable, port instead of the 2 unused lanes.
> I don't see how this dynamic split port could work in real life to be
> honest. The split is something admin needs to configure and can rely
> that netdevice exists all the time and not comes and goes under
> different circumstances. Multiple obvious reasons why.

I'm not suggesting the port split be dynamic at all. I'm suggesting that if
the admin wants or needs to force PAM4 on a port that would otherwise
be able to achieve the given speed using more lanes with NRZ, then the
admin should split the port, so that it has fewer lanes, in order to make
that intent clear (or otherwise configure the port to have fewer lanes
attached, if you really don't want to or can't create the additional split

Using this approach, the existing ethtool forced speed interface is
sufficient to configure all possible lane encodings, because the
encoding that the driver must select is now implicit (note, we don't
need to care about media type here). That is, the driver can always
select the encoding that maximizes utilization of the lanes available
to the port (as defined by the admin).

> >So concretely, I'm suggesting that if we want to force PAM4 at the lower
> >speeds, split the port and then we don't need an ethtool interface change
> >at all to achieve the same goal. Having a spare (potentially usable) port
> >is better than spare (unusable) lanes.
> The admin has to decide, define.

I'm not sure I understand. The admin would indeed decide. This paragraph
merely served to motivate why a rational admin should prefer to have a
spare port rather than unused lanes he can't use, because they would be
attached to a port using an encoding that doesn't need them. If he wasn't
planning on using the additional port, he loses nothing. Otherwise, he gains
something he would not otherwise have had (it's win-win). From the
perspective of the original port, two unused lanes is no different than two
lanes allocated to another logical port.

Edwin Peer

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