> From: Jakub Kicinski <k...@kernel.org>
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 3:12 AM
> On Thu, 27 Aug 2020 20:15:01 +0000 Parav Pandit wrote:
> > > From: Jakub Kicinski <k...@kernel.org>
> > >
> > > I find it strange that you have pfnum 0 everywhere but then
> > > different controllers.
> > There are multiple PFs, connected to different PCI RC. So device has
> > same pfnum for both the PFs.
> >
> > > For MultiHost at Netronome we've used pfnum to distinguish between
> > > the hosts. ASIC must have some unique identifiers for each PF.
> > Yes. there is. It is identified by a unique controller number;
> > internally it is called host_number. But internal host_number is
> > misleading term as multiple cables of same physical card can be
> > plugged into single host. So identifying based on a unique
> > (controller) number and matching that up on external cable is desired.
> >
> > > I'm not aware of any practical reason for creating PFs on one RC
> > > without reinitializing all the others.
> > I may be misunderstanding, but how is initialization is related
> > multiple PFs?
> If the number of PFs is static it should be possible to understand which one 
> is on
> which system.
How? How do we tell that pfnum A means external system.
Want to avoid such 'implicit' notion.
> > > I can see how having multiple controllers may make things clearer,
> > > but adding another layer of IDs while the one under it is unused
> > > (pfnum=0) feels very unnecessary.
> > pfnum=0 is used today. not sure I understand your comment about being
> > unused. Can you please explain?
> You examples only ever have pfnum 0:
Because both controllers have pfnum 0.

> From patch 2:
> $ devlink port show pci/0000:00:08.0/2
> pci/0000:00:08.0/2: type eth netdev eth7 controller 0 flavour pcivf pfnum 0
> vfnum 1 splittable false
>   function:
>     hw_addr 00:00:00:00:00:00
> $ devlink port show -jp pci/0000:00:08.0/2 {
>     "port": {
>         "pci/0000:00:08.0/1": {
>             "type": "eth",
>             "netdev": "eth7",
>             "controller": 0,
>             "flavour": "pcivf",
>             "pfnum": 0,
>             "vfnum": 1,
>             "splittable": false,
>             "function": {
>                 "hw_addr": "00:00:00:00:00:00"
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> From earlier email:
> pci/0000:00:08.0/1: type eth netdev eth6 flavour pcipf pfnum 0
> pci/0000:00:08.0/2: type eth netdev eth7 flavour pcipf pfnum 0
> If you never use pfnum, you can just put the controller ID there, like 
> Netronome.
It likely not going to work for us. Because pfnum is not some randomly 
generated number.
It is linked to the underlying PCI pf number. {pf0, pf1...}
Orchestration sw uses this to identify representor of a PF-VF pair.

Replacing pfnum with controller number breaks this; and it still doesn't tell 
user that it's the pf on other_host.

So it is used, and would like to continue to use even if there are multiple PFs 
port (that has same pfnum) under the same eswitch.

In an alternative,
Currently we have pcipf, pcivf (and pcisf) flavours. May be if we introduce new 
flavour say 'epcipf' to indicate external pci PF/VF/SF ports?
There can be better name than epcipf. I just put epcipf to differentiate it.
However these ports have same attributes as pcipf, pcivf, pcisf flavours.

> > Hierarchical naming kind of make sense, but if you have other ideas to
> > annotate the controller, without changing the hardware pfnum, lets
> > discuss.

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