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On 9/12/19 7:50 AM, Gowen wrote:
> Hi David -thanks for getting back to me
> The DNS servers are or which you want to go
> out mgmt-vrf. correct? No -, so should hit the 
> route leak rule as below (if I've put the subnet anywhere it is 
> a typo)
> vmAdmin@NETM06:~$ ip ro get fibmatch
> via dev eth0
> I've added the 127/8 route - no difference.

you mean address on mgmt-vrf right?

> The reason for what you might think is an odd design is that I wanted any 
> non-VRF aware users to be able to come in and run all commands in default 
> context without issue, while production and mgmt traffic was separated still
> DNS is now working as long as /etc/resolv.conf is populated with my DNS 
> servers - a lot of people would be using this on Azure which uses netplan, so 
> they'll have the same issue, is there documentation I could update or raise a 
> bug to check the systemd-resolve servers as well?

That is going to be the fundamental system problem: handing DNS queries
off to systemd is losing the VRF context of the process doing the DNS

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