Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 10:12:27AM CEST, wrote:
>From: wenxu <>
>This series patch make nftables offload support the vlan and
>tunnel device offload through indr-block architecture.
>The first four patches mv tc indr block to flow offload and
>rename to flow-indr-block.
>Because the new flow-indr-block can't get the tcf_block
>directly. The fifthe patch provide a callback list to get 
>flow_block of each subsystem immediately when the device
>register and contain a block.
>The last patch make nf_tables_offload support flow-indr-block.
>wenxu (6):
>  cls_api: modify the tc_indr_block_ing_cmd parameters.
>  cls_api: replace block with flow_block in tc_indr_block_dev
>  cls_api: add flow_indr_block_call function
>  flow_offload: move tc indirect block to flow offload
>  flow_offload: support get flow_block immediately
>  netfilter: nf_tables_offload: support indr block call

Wenxu, this is V5. Please repost is as V5. Also please provide per-patch
changelog, as you did with the previous versions. Thanks!

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