On 4/7/2019 2:57 AM, Heiner Kallweit wrote:
> Recently genphy_read_abilities() has been added that dynamically detects
> clause 22 PHY abilities. I *think* this detection should work with all
> supported PHY's, at least for the ones with basic features sets, i.e.
> PHY_BASIC_FEATURES and PHY_GBIT_FEATURES. So let's remove setting these
> features explicitly and rely on phylib feature detection.
> I don't have access to most of these PHY's, therefore I'd appreciate
> regression testing.

The nice thing about the features is that we can right away tell which
PHY entries are Fast Ethernet/Gigabit etc... so if you remove that
assignment, we would need at least a standardized comment allowing us to
quickly grep for that information.

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