On 5/17/17 8:33 AM, Edward Cree wrote:
On 17/05/17 15:00, Edward Cree wrote:
OTOH the 'track known 1s as well' might work in a nice generic way
 and cover all bases, I'll have to experiment a bit with that.


So I did some experiments (in Python, script follows) and found that
 indeed this does appear to work, at least for addition and shifts.
The idea is that we have a 0s mask and a 1s mask; for bits that are
 unknown, the 0s mask is set and the 1s mask is cleared.  So a
 completely unknown variable has masks (~0, 0), then if you shift it
 left 2 you get (~3, 0) - just shift both masks.  A constant x has
 masks (x, x) - all the 0s are known 0s and all the 1s are known 1s.
Addition is a bit more complicated: we compute the 'unknown bits'
 mask, by XORing the 0s and 1s masks together, of each addend.  Then
 we add the corresponding masks from each addend together, and force
 the 'unknown' bits to the appropriate values in each mask.
So given (a1, b1) and (a2, b2), we compute m1 = a1 ^ b1,
 m2 = a2 ^ b2, and m = m1 | m2.  Then a = (a1 + a2) | m, and
 b = (b1 + b2) & ~m.
As a worked example, 2 + (x << 2) + 14:
 2 => (2, 2) constant
 x => (~0, 0) unknown
 x << 2 => (~3, 0)
 2 + (x << 2): add (2, 2) with (~3, 0)
    m1 = 0, m2 = ~3, m = ~3
    a = (2 + ~3) | ~3 = ~1 | ~3 = ~1
    b = (2 + 0) & ~~3 = 2 & 3 = 2
    so (~1, 2), which means "...xx10"
now add 14: add (~1, 2) with (14, 14)
    m1 = ~3, m2 = 0, m = ~3
    a = (~1 + 14) | ~3 = 12 | ~3 = ~3
    b = (2 + 14) & ~~3 = 16 & 3 = 0
    so (~3, 0), which means "...xx00"
and the result is 4-byte aligned.


PS. Beware of bugs in the following code; I have only tested it, not
 proved it correct.



def cpl(x):
    return (~x)&0xff

class AlignedNumber(object):
    def __init__(self, mask0=0xff, mask1=0):
        """mask0 has 0s for bits known to be 0, 1s otherwise.
        mask1 has 1s for bits known to be 1, 0s otherwise.
        Thus a bit which is set in mask0 and cleared in mask1 is an 'unknown'
        bit, while a bit which is cleared in mask0 and set in mask1 is a bug.
        self.masks = (mask0 & 0xff, mask1 & 0xff)
    def const(cls, value):
        """All bits are known, so both masks equal value."""
        return cls(value, value)
    def validate(self):
        # Check for bits 'known' to be both 0 and 1
        assert not (cpl(self.masks[0]) & self.masks[1]), self.masks
        # Check unknown bits don't follow known bits
        assert self.mx | ((self.mx - 1) & 0xff) == 0xff, self.masks
    def __str__(self):
        return ':'.join(map(bin, self.masks))
    def __lshift__(self, sh):
        """Shift both masks left, low bits become 'known 0'"""
        return self.__class__(self.masks[0] << sh, self.masks[1] << sh)
    def __rshift__(self, sh):
        """Shift 1s into mask0; high bits become 'unknown'.
        While strictly speaking they may be known 0 if we're tracking the full
        word and doing unsigned shifts, having known bits before unknown bits
        breaks the addition code."""
        return self.__class__(cpl(cpl(self.masks[0]) >> sh), self.masks[1] >> 
    def mx(self):
        """Mask of unknown bits"""
        return self.masks[0] ^ self.masks[1]
    def __add__(self, other):
        """OR the mx values together.  Unknown bits could cause carries, so we
        just assume that they can carry all the way to the left (thus we keep
        our mx masks in the form 1...10...0.
        Then, add our 0- and 1-masks, and force the bits of the combined mx
        mask to the unknown state."""
        if isinstance(other, int):
            return self + AlignedNumber.const(other)
        assert isinstance(other, AlignedNumber), other
        m = self.mx | other.mx
        return self.__class__((self.masks[0] + other.masks[0]) | m,
                              (self.masks[1] + other.masks[1]) & cpl(m))
    def is_aligned(self, bits):
        """We are 2^n-aligned iff the bottom n bits are known-0."""
        mask = (1 << bits) - 1
        return not (self.masks[0] & mask)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = AlignedNumber.const(2)
    b = AlignedNumber() << 2
    c = AlignedNumber.const(14)
    print a, b, c
    print a + b, a + b + c
    assert (a + b + c).is_aligned(2)

that bit was confusing to me.
is_aligned(2) checks that number is 4 byte aligned :)

Would it be easier to represent this logic via (mask_of_unknown, value)
instead of (mask0, mask1) ?
Where mask_of_unknown has 1s for unknown bits and 0 for known bits
in the value. Then arithmetic operations will be easier to visualize.
(mask1, val1) + (mask2, val2) = (mask1 | mask2, val1 + val2)

Here is your modified script:

class AlignedNumber(object):
    def __init__(self, mask=0xff, value=0):
        # mask has 1s for unknown bits, 0s for known bits in value
        self.masks = (mask & 0xff, value & 0xff)
    def const(cls, value):
        # All bits are known, hence mask = 0
        return cls(0, value)
    def __str__(self):
        return ':'.join(map(bin, self.masks))
    def __lshift__(self, sh):
        return self.__class__(self.masks[0] << sh, self.masks[1] << sh)
    def __rshift__(self, sh):
        return self.__class__(self.masks[0] >> sh, self.masks[1] >> sh)
    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, int):
            return self + AlignedNumber.const(other)
        assert isinstance(other, AlignedNumber), other
        return self.__class__(self.masks[0] | other.masks[0],
                              self.masks[1] + other.masks[1])
    def is_aligned(self, bits):
        """We are 2^n-aligned iff the bottom n bits are known-0."""
        mask = (1 << bits) - 1
        # assume all unknown bits are 1 for alignment checking purpose
        m = self.masks[0] | self.masks[1]
        return not (self.masks[0] & mask)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = AlignedNumber.const(2)
    b = AlignedNumber() << 2
    c = AlignedNumber.const(14)
    print a, b, c
    print a + b, a + b + c
    assert (a + b + c).is_aligned(2)
    d = (AlignedNumber() << 4) >> 2
    print d
    assert d.is_aligned(2)

As far as upper bits we can tweak the algorithm to eat into
one or more bits of known bits due to carry.
00xx11 + 00xx11 = 0xxx10
we will eat only one bit (second from left) and the highest bit
is known to stay zero, since carry can only compromise 2nd from left.
Such logic should work for sparse representation of unknown bits too
10xx01xx10 +
01xx01xx00 =
both upper two bits would be unknown, but only one middle bit becomes
In typical case (that verifier tracks today) a bunch of upper bits will
be zero, so worst case we will be eating one bit at a time.

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