On 2/7/17 2:40 PM, Stephen Hemminger wrote:
>> Reading the file changes the string in rtnl_rtprot_tab for
>> RTPROT_UNSPEC. Both string values -- "none" and "unspec" come from
>> iproute2, so my point is that string is inconsistent within iproute2.
> Why not change the value in the table rtnl_rtprot_tab to be unspec this would
> make the command consistent with the value in the header file.

I flipped a coin; it landed on config file.

"none" is the value that has shown up for 13+ years unless a custom
protocol value is used triggering the 'unspec'. Seems to me a custom
protocol value is a rare event suggesting conformity to "none" over
"unspsec". I really don't care what the string is, but it should be
consistent. If you want 'unspec' I'll change rtnl_rtprot_tab

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