On Tue, 21 Jun 2016 20:38:26 -0700
David Ahern <d...@cumulusnetworks.com> wrote:

> Add support for device names in the filter. Example:
>     root@kenny:~# ss -t  'sport == :22 && dev == red'
>     State      Recv-Q Send-Q     Local Address:Port      Peer Address:Port
>     ESTAB      0      0
>     ESTAB      0      0           2100:1::2%red:ssh        2100:1::64:49406
> Since kernel does not support iface in the filter specifying a
> device name means all filtering is done in userspace.

Introduces new checkpatch whitespace issues.
ERROR: code indent should use tabs where possible
#60: FILE: misc/ss.c:1337:
+               case SSF_DEVCOND:$

WARNING: please, no spaces at the start of a line
#60: FILE: misc/ss.c:1337:
+               case SSF_DEVCOND:$

ERROR: code indent should use tabs where possible
#63: FILE: misc/ss.c:1340:
+                return 0;$

WARNING: please, no spaces at the start of a line
#63: FILE: misc/ss.c:1340:
+                return 0;$

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