In message 
Tom Beecher <> wrote:

>Calling everyone an idiot in the midst of Endless Pontification isn't
>really a recipe for success.

I did not call "everyone" an idiot.  I'm quite completely sure that there
are innumerable people in all of the referenced companies who are consumate
and hardworking professionals who excel at ther jobs.  I do believe however,
based on considerable experience and much hard evidence, that the abuse
handling departnments at OVH and DigitalOcean, and indeed at essentially
-every- sizable hosting company are less than entirely well staffed, less
than entirely well trained, less than entirely well funded, and often
inadequately effective, either due to their limited willingness or their
limited authority, as circumscribed by management, when it comes to the
execution of their assigned duties.  The abuse handling function at *every*
Internet company is the ugly stepchild, ignored whenever possible, and
typically starved of resources by management whose overriding consideration
is this quarter's P&L statement, and by extension, the nearest upcoming
executive bonus period.


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