On 3/18/19 11:17 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote: > I am not sure that there is any other way that a lone outsider can or > could engage either OVH or DigitalOcean in a way that would actually > cause either company to take action on the issues I've reported on. > Complaints from ordinary Internet end-lusers about this, which both > companies must surely be drowing in by now, don't seem to be doing the > job. >
I have sent reports to DigitalOcean and Microsoft about the abuse reported to me that appears on my network. The only response I'm interested in is the end of said abuse. When abuse continues to be seen on a DigitalOcean allocation, that allocation goes into a file-and-forget ACL. I investigate further only when a customer reports a problem connecting with a DigitalOcean netblock. No such reports yet, by the way. I respond to abuse reports promptly and completely. I expect others to do so, just as promptly and completely. "Pretty please" is not in my netadmin vocabulary.