We’ve purchased many SFP modules from fs.com<http://fs.com> for Cisco gear, and 
the only problem we run into is that Cisco IOS seem unwilling to expose the 
error counters via SNMP. This is kind of annoying, because that’s how we get 
early warning of fiber problems. I suspect IOS does this deliberately because 
it notices the module is not OEM. But the cost savings with 
fs.com<http://fs.com> is tremendous, so we put up with this inconvenience.

On a side note, their sales support is always prompt and very personable. 
Technical support seems to be limited to offering free advance warranty 
replacement shipping. With a few hundred modules, we’ve had maybe two dead 
ones. So less than 1% iinfant mortality on pretty complex optics.


On Feb 17, 2019, at 9:01 PM, David S. 
<da...@zeromail.us<mailto:da...@zeromail.us>> wrote:

They have solid product and good support, I bought many SFP+ for Nexus, 
Juniper, Force10 and never had a problem with them.

Best regards,
David S.
e. da...@zeromail.us<mailto:da...@zeromail.us>
w. pnyet.web.id<http://pnyet.web.id/>
p. 087881216110

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 9:23 AM Michel Blais 
<mic...@targointernet.com<mailto:mic...@targointernet.com>> wrote:
I tryed SFP, MUX, DEMUX and OADM, all working as expected.

Le dim. 17 févr. 2019 19 h 18, Samir Rana 
<samir.r...@cybera.ca<mailto:samir.r...@cybera.ca>> a écrit :
Hello All,

Does anybody have experience with fs.com<http://fs.com> dwdm equipment in their 
production environment? Are you they working without any issue? How's their 
warranty support if the issue arises?

Thanks in advance for all the answers and help.

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