On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 9:51 PM Christopher Morrow
<morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> you do realize you are proposing to make a breaking change (breaking change to
> a global system) on a friday.  delaying until the following monday would not 
> have

There are reasons to prefer a Friday over other days as well, but the
internet doesn't
schedule around random participant's personal preferences.

Besides,  its a substantial misrepresentation of what the DNS Flag day
is to describe it
as a "breaking change"  made on a certain date  - changes won't finish
in a week, changes
won't finish in two weeks  --- every day of the week may be affected
until the gradual process
of every OS and DNS vendor releasing and every end user upgrading finishes.

Each software vendor and service provider will have their very own
update schedules  regarding
on what exact date the next  version release and every manager of a system with
a DNS Resolver software installation  will have their own  choice on when they
actually install the next update at their site.

Just because all the major maintainers of DNS resolver software agree
all releases after
tomorrow  will remove the workarounds for broken DNS servers/firewalls
that silently discard
queries does not mean every software vendor is shipping their new code
to release on Feb 1,
_and_  every end user is  rushing to upgrade their DNS resolver to
remove the workarounds.


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