On January 31, 2019 1:55:26 AM UTC, Christopher Morrow 
<morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 5:41 PM Jim Popovitch via NANOG
>> On Wed, 2019-01-30 at 17:22 -0800, Matthew Petach wrote:
>> > Any chance this could wait until say the Tuesday
>> > *after* the Superbowl, when we aren't cutting an
>> > entire religion's worth of potential workers out of
>> > the workforce available to fix issues in case it
>> > turns out to be a bigger problem than is expected,
>> > and when we have less chance of annoying the
>> > vast army of football-loving fans of every sort?
>> IIRC, DNS Flag Day was announce way before last years Super Bowl...
>> what did the people who aren't ready for DNS Flag Day do in the past
>> 364 days that they need a few more days to get ready for?
>Oh, so they had 365 days to plan the time of the event and still picked
>friday for that event?
>I see.

Well, you are either ready or you're not ...doing it on a Tuesday morning is 
not going to make any difference at this point.

-Jim P.

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