On 12/20/2018 12:51 PM, Aaron wrote:
Probably price. Also perception of value. If you're a for profit enterprise then they're paying for interconnection plus your bump. If you're non-profit the perception is that there is a larger value because there's no bump. Whether that's true or not, who knows but that's the perception I've heard.
Depending on the size of the non-profit, I'd almost compare it to how the hospitals are here in Boise.
The non-profits are oversized, monopolistic, price gouging, etc. Their care can be pretty meh, esp since they bought up all the little independent clinics (yay, ER pricing for a basic family clinic visit).
The for-profit smaller clinics and hospitals run a pretty tight ship, better value for their money, service is very good, and compete with one another for who has the best service.
People think they are getting 'better' because they are going to a place that is supposed to be run to benefit people over profit, but alas, you'd be very very wrong.
-- Brielle Bruns The Summit Open Source Development Group http://www.sosdg.org / http://www.ahbl.org