On October 8, 2018 at 03:37 snasl...@medline.com (Naslund, Steve) wrote:

 > A few cases come to mind.  I also think there are lots of alerts
 > that will not send people screaming into the streets.  9/11 did not
 > really have that effect in most places and it took quite some time
 > for word to spread to people who did not have full time media
 > access.  You also have to account for non-urban areas (the majority
 > of our land mass).  In a lot of this country you might not see
 > anyone other than the ones you live with for many hours or days at
 > a time.

9/11 literally did send people out into the streets screaming.

Even nationwide skyscrapers were evacuated in some cities. In Chicago
Sears tower (and I believe the Amoco tower according to some
eyewitnesses) were evacuated at about 10AM. So was the IDS tower in
Minneapolis (57 stories, tallest in the city.)

The White House and Capitol building were evacuated a little earlier,
about 9:30AM. And the UN in NYC.

At about 10:45AM NYC mayor Rudi Giuliani ordered the total evacuation
of all of Lower Manhattan.


The article below lists the evacuations of the Coca-Cola and BellSouth
buildings, CNN center in Atlanta. And several more in Los Angeles
(Citibank tower etc.)

Well, read the article, Detroit, the Grand Coulee Dam, etc.


I suppose one can go back to the phrase "most places", sure, MOST
places even in western Europe weren't bombed in WWII or even affected
physically (i.e., by ordnance of any sort.)

P.S. Over 80% of the US population is urban.

I suppose since every life is precious one can measure the
effectiveness based on "land mass" but then one wonders if some sheep
out in a field in Idaho really care that the US was just invaded...put
better: You do what you can!

        -Barry Shein

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