A few cases come to mind.  I also think there are lots of alerts that will not 
send people screaming into the streets.  9/11 did not really have that effect 
in most places and it took quite some time for word to spread to people who did 
not have full time media access.   You also have to account for non-urban areas 
(the majority of our land mass).  In a lot of this country you might not see 
anyone other than the ones you live with for many hours or days at a time.

Here is a few times I know I would not get an alert unless it came via cellular.

1.  2 AM when most people are sleeping.
2.  Riding in my car for an hour to / from work and listening to a podcast or 
music on my device.
3.  Out in the boat or at the beach.  Usually not listening to broadcast media.

Alerting cell phones should not be too high a bar to reach.  They certainly 
don't seem to have a problem getting notifications to you from every app you 
have.  It's pretty long overdue coming from companies that constantly brag 
about their super advanced high speed data networks.  It's pretty clear that 
they are not taking this real serious if you look at how long this executive 
order is taking to realize.  We are talking about years and years.  With more 
and more people cutting their cable and using Internet media vs broadcast 
media, alerting has actually gotten worse recently.

Steven Naslund
Chicago IL

> I wonder, if there were a real alert, what the odds are that one 
> wouldn't hear about it in 1 minute, 5 minutes, etc even if they didn't 
> personally get it.
> Obviously edge cases are possible, you were deep in a cave with your 
> soccer team, but there must be mathematical modeling of that sort of 
> information dispersion.
> It would have to account for other possible channels, word of mouth, 
> facebook, twitter, &c posts or really any informatonal source you were 
> on on the internet (e.g., news sites), TV, radio, people screaming in 
> the streets, etc.

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