Yup. All 300 of us received it and our phones started reading the message 

Utter chaos. 

> On Oct 3, 2018, at 18:18, Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com> wrote:
> FEMA invites the public to send comments on the nationwide EAS-WEA test to
>    fema-national-t...@fema.dhs.gov
> Valuable information on the effectiveness of a national WEA capability using 
> the Presidential alert category includes:
> 1. Whether your mobile device displayed one, more or no WEA test messages;
> 2. The make, model and operating system version of your mobile device;
> 3. Your wireless service provider;
> 4. Whether the device was turned on and in the same location for at least 30 
> minutes after the start of the test (2:18 p.m. ET);
> 5. The location of the device (as precise as possible), including the 
> device’s environment (e.g. indoors or outdoors, rural or urban, mobile or 
> stationary);
> 6. Whether you are normally able to make calls, receive texts, or use apps at 
> that location;
> 7. Whether the mobile device was in use at the time of the alert (for a call 
> or a data session); and
> 8. Whether anyone else at your location received the WEA test alert message.

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