FEMA invites the public to send comments on the nationwide EAS-WEA test to
Valuable information on the effectiveness of a national WEA capability
using the Presidential alert category includes:
1. Whether your mobile device displayed one, more or no WEA test messages;
2. The make, model and operating system version of your mobile device;
3. Your wireless service provider;
4. Whether the device was turned on and in the same location for at least
30 minutes after the start of the test (2:18 p.m. ET);
5. The location of the device (as precise as possible), including the
device’s environment (e.g. indoors or outdoors, rural or urban, mobile or
6. Whether you are normally able to make calls, receive texts, or use apps
at that location;
7. Whether the mobile device was in use at the time of the alert (for a
call or a data session); and
8. Whether anyone else at your location received the WEA test alert