> We run Iris - home-grown (South Africa), great support, small/nimble
> team that are able to fix issue, add features and give advice.
> Very flexible, captures plenty of data out-the-box, supports a ton of
> vendors and data points, e.t.c.
> It's a commercial solution, but not out of reach. Heck, even I can
> afford it :-).
>     http://www.irisns.com/
> We moved from a Cacti/SmokePing/Observium/Zabbix combo to Iris 2 years
> ago. Much happiness.
> Mark.

+1 for Iris.

We've been with them for a couple of years now, and the support has been first 
class - quick incident response, fast fixes, and very approachable regarding 
feature requests.

They are based out of Cape Town, South Africa, but also have a US presence in 
the DC area.


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