Not a MOOC.  But several schools now have graduate programs in security.  Off 
the top of my head, Georgia Tech, UAB, GMU ..


They might offer some shorter courses as well, for working professionals.   
Take a look.


From: Ramy Hashish <>
Date: Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 2:33 PM
To: "Compton, Rich A" <>
Cc: Christopher Morrow <>, Suresh Ramasubramanian 
<>, nanog list <>
Subject: Re: SP security knowledge build up


Thank you Christopher, Compton and Suresh, that was helpful.


I am still looking for more.


Does anyone want to recommend any MOOC?






On 23 July 2018 at 17:30, Compton, Rich A <> wrote:

Barry Greene's site has some good info on ISP security as well:

On 7/23/18, 8:08 AM, "NANOG on behalf of Christopher Morrow" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    I thought also there was a set of videos from nanog meetings...
    I can't find a set, but here are some:

    ISP Security 101 primer

    isp security real-world techniques - 2 (older version of previous?)

    ISP Security toolkits

    NRIC Best Practices for ISP Security

    there are actually quite a few more, searching for 'security nanog' turned

    On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 9:32 AM Suresh Ramasubramanian <>

    > The usual / canonical sysadmin book might work, there is a lot of security
    > related material in there as well.
    > And this updated for enterprise / devops and other such new fangled things
    > On 23/07/18, 6:55 PM, "NANOG on behalf of Ramy Hashish"
    > < on behalf of
    >> wrote:
    >     Hello All,
    >     I am planning to build up a security team of fresh engineers whom are
    >     "network oriented", any advice on the knowledge resources we can start
    >     with? We are looking forward to building a concrete foundation of a
    >     well-rounded security engineer, we are looking for vendor/operator
    > agnostic
    >     resources.
    >     Thanks,
    >     Ramy

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