I thought also there was a set of videos from nanog meetings...
I can't find a set, but here are some:

ISP Security 101 primer

isp security real-world techniques - 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6ZSxgVvjdA (older version of previous?)

ISP Security toolkits

NRIC Best Practices for ISP Security

there are actually quite a few more, searching for 'security nanog' turned

On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 9:32 AM Suresh Ramasubramanian <ops.li...@gmail.com>

> The usual / canonical sysadmin book might work, there is a lot of security
> related material in there as well.
> https://www.amazon.com/Practice-System-Network-Administration-Second/dp/0321492668
> And this updated for enterprise / devops and other such new fangled things
> https://www.amazon.com/Practice-System-Network-Administration-Enterprise/dp/0321919165/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_t_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=2N4F09FPM9FG9VQNT433
> On 23/07/18, 6:55 PM, "NANOG on behalf of Ramy Hashish"
> <nanog-bounces+ops.lists=gmail....@nanog.org on behalf of
> ramy.ihash...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hello All,
>     I am planning to build up a security team of fresh engineers whom are
>     "network oriented", any advice on the knowledge resources we can start
>     with? We are looking forward to building a concrete foundation of a
>     well-rounded security engineer, we are looking for vendor/operator
> agnostic
>     resources.
>     Thanks,
>     Ramy

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