On 17/Jul/18 18:12, Andy Ringsmuth wrote:
> I suppose in reality it’s no different than any other utility. My home has
> 200 amp electrical service. Will I ever use 200 amps at one time? Highly
> highly unlikely. But if my electrical utility wanted to advertise “200 amp
> service in all homes we supply!” they sure could. Would an electrician be
> able to test it? I’m sure there is a way somehow.
> If me and everyone on my street tried to use 200 amps all at the same time,
> could the infrastructure handle it? Doubtful. But do I on occasion saturate
> my home fiber 300 mbit synchronous connection? Every now and then yes, but
> rarely. Although if I’m paying for 300 and not getting it, my ISP will be
> hearing from me.
> If my electrical utility told me “hey, you can upgrade to 500 amp service for
> no additional charge” would I do it? Sure, what the heck. If my water utility
> said “guess what? You can upgrade to a 2-inch water line at no additional
> charge!” would I do it? Probably yeah, why not?
> Would I ever use all that capacity on $random_utility at one time? Of course
> not. But nice to know it’s there if I ever need it.
The difference, of course, between electricity and the Internet is that
there is a lot more information and tools freely available online that
Average Jane can arm herself with to run amok with figuring out whether
she is getting 300Mbps of her 300Mbps from her ISP.
Average Jane could care less about measuring whether she's getting 200
amps of her 200 amps from the power company; likely because there is a
lot more structure with how power is produced and delivered, or more to
the point, a lot less freely available tools and information with which
she can arm herself to run amok with. To her, the power company sucks if
the lights go out. In the worst case, if her power starts a fire, she's
calling the fire department.