FWIW - I have had a GREAT experience with the IOGear GUC3C01 on Windows 10.
Every other USB NIC I have ever used I have given away or thrown in the
garbage after no more than a day's worth of use (many "Gigabit" adapters
will not do over 330 Mbps and / or have TERRIBLE reliability issues in my
experience). This thing pulls 970+ Mbps, support VLANs, Jumbo Frames, etc.
and has never failed me or let me down once to date (Realtek Chipset). It
does use the newer USB-C (aka 3.1) reversible style connector, so you *may*
need an adapter which is the only possible downside I can think of. Just my
$ .02, HTH.


*Jason Rowsell * <http://jasonrowsell.com/>| Account Manager
206.299.2197 |
*www.tiesystems.com <http://www.tiesystems.com/>*
*ja...@tiesystems.com <ja...@tiesystems.com>**IT Solutions that fit.*

On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 7:03 PM, Chris Adams <c...@cmadams.net> wrote:

> Once upon a time, Brad Knowles <b...@shub-internet.org> said:
> > If you're going to do network testing, then an NETool is recommended.
> That's a complete Linux network testing system in what looks like a
> larger-than-usual dongle.
> I like the Pockethernet for a portable diagnostic tool (haven't tried
> the Netool).
> --
> Chris Adams <c...@cmadams.net>

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