I have had very good success with PC/Mac/Linux with these:


and the USB 3 counterpart:


On 05/14/2018 11:45 AM, Colton Conor wrote:
Our new laptops like most do not have an Ethernet adapter build in as they
are too slim. What USB to Ethernet adapter do you recommend and why?
Ideally it would be compatible with Windows 10, and have the ability to set
speed, duplex and VLAN IDs if possible.

.==== === --  - --  - - -        -   - ---.
| Nate Metheny        Director, Technology |
| Santa Fe Institute   office 505.946.2730 |
| cell 505.930.9390       fax 505.982.0565 |
| http://www.santafe.edu  n...@santafe.edu |
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