On 2 Nov 2017, at 09:25, Naslund, Steve <snasl...@medline.com> wrote:

> There are four facts to be aware of here.
> 1.  Locators are not 100% especially when it comes to fiber.

I remember years ago in New Zealand there was buried fibre along the railway 
running north-south in the North Island that was not generally anybody's first 
choice of glass when trying to connect sites in Auckland and Wellington. The 
problem I heard described (from memory, long time ago, I am old) was that the 
natural vibration of the ground due to trains on rails had the effect over time 
of pushing conduit down the embankment away from the track, leading to fibre 
breaks with no corresponding obvious cause (no digging).

You could bounce signals down the copper in the conduit from either side to try 
and figure out where the break was, but once on site you still had to find the 
fibre which was usually not anywhere close to where the map said it was buried.


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