On 2017-10-13 17:20, Clinton Work wrote:
> My understanding is that nobody has a 2nd diverse fiber route north of
> the great lakes from Winnipeg to Toronto.   Every provider makes use of
> a fiber route south of the great lakes thru the US in order to provide
> diversity.

But if provider 1 has its 1 fibre on the CN line and provider 2 has its
1 fibre along CP line (or road), then you can get diversity by getting
bandwidth from both.

> The following map shows that the CN rail and CP Rail lines across over
> each other at multiple times from Winnipeg to Toronto. 

At Rennie MB, the CN line has a bridge over the CP line. Between Sudbury
and Toronto, you may have to live with the crossings. But I suspect they
are bridged too (with some interchange points near Sudbury).

Ideally, there would be some link leftover from when there were tracks
between Ottawa and Sudbury. Tracks remain between Mattawa and Sudbury.
(Ottawa-Mattawa removed circa 2012).  Bell Canada still wants to serve
those areas even if tracks no longer present.

Note: road has interesting side effects. A new bridge on highway 17
"broke" when it got too cold: the stay cables on suspension bridge
contracted and ended up lifting bridge deck by about 1m above ground
level. So any fibre conduits would have been severed as it crossed from
ground to bridge.

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