I have equipment in several L(3) DCs. I'd say that is generally the exception 
however I have two notable facilities (smaller type 3) that have troubles on 
occasion... reaching into the 80s as you commented. (Usually during  the warm 
southern summer days) .

I found that my getting to know the facility manager/personnel very useful. 
They gave staight up answers and have done what they could to assist.

-------- Original message --------
From: Chuck Anderson <c...@wpi.edu>
Date: 10/11/17 22:13 (GMT-05:00)
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: Temp at Level 3 data centers

Install an air conditioner in your rack.

On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 02:39:19PM -0500, Andrew Latham wrote:
> David
> The issue has several components and is vendor agnostic.
> Set Point: The systems are specifically set at a temperature
> Capacity Ability: The systems can maintain a temperature
> Customer Desire: What you expect from sales promises.
> Sales Promise: What they might carefully avoid promising.
> I suggest you review your SLA and discuss with legal asap. You could have a
> document defining your question's answer already but it sits in a filing
> cabinet file labeled business continuity.
> If the set point is X then they likely would answer quickly that that is
> the case.
> If the capacity is lacking then they would likely redirect the issue.
> If they don't care about the customer that alone should be an indicator
> If a promise exists in the SLA then the ball is in your court
> >From the emails I fear that we have confirmed that this is normal. So your
> question "Is the temperature at Level 3 Data Centers normally in the 80-90F
> range?" sounds like a Yes.
> Regardless of the situation always ask for names, titles, and ask vendors
> to repeat critical information like the status of cooling in a building
> designed to deal with cooling. Keep the vendors that do it well.
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 7:31 AM, David Hubbard <
> dhubb...@dino.hostasaurus.com> wrote:
> > Curious if anyone on here colo’s equipment at a Level 3 facility and has
> > found the temperature unacceptably warm?  I’m having that experience
> > currently, where ambient temp is in the 80’s, but they tell me that’s
> > perfectly fine because vented tiles have been placed in front of all
> > equipment racks.  My equipment is alarming for high temps, so obviously not
> > fine.  Trying to find my way up to whomever I can complain to that’s in a
> > position to do something about it but it seems the support staff have been
> > told to brush questions about temp off as much as possible.  Was wondering
> > if this is a country-wide thing for them or unique to the data center I
> > have equipment in.  I have equipment in several others from different
> > companies and most are probably 15-20 degrees cooler.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > David
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