On 12/16/2016 3:30 PM, Ken Chase wrote:

North Carolina is not banning science. It is banning absolutely preposterous and manipulated junk science.

A 39-inch rise in the ocean levels over the next century is based on fear-mongering and junk science designed to scare politicians into increasing grant $$ from the federal government. It is not based on science.

In fact, the sea levels continue to rise at the SAME TINY 2-4mm per year that they've been rising at for decades, with ZERO sign of an increase.

If global warming was real and cumulative - this shouldn't even be possible, based all that we've been told over the past 20 years.

Every article that states that oceans rising at alarmingly faster rates - due to global warming - either lie about or manipulate the the data... or they grab one relatively small short term spike and extrapolates from that.

Meanwhile, dozens of sea-level rising predictions from so-called credible scientists have not only failed, but failed by order of magnitudes, and again, relied upon junk science. True science makes "risky predictions" and is willing to throw out the theory when that theories "risky predictions" don't come true.

But I truly due hope that this collection process is successful because I hope that ALL of this (mostly) manipulated data gets recorded for posterity so that (honest) scientists a century from now can do extensive studies on how/why science became so political and manipulated as they look back on the first few decades of the 21st century's slide into a strong long-term cooling trend, due to long term cyclical sun cycles.

This is not a victim-less crime. This manipulation of the data by global warmongers harms people because is miscalculates resources and damages the economy. Does that mean we should spew toxic waste into rivers or streams or spew smog into the air? Of course not. But global warming and CO2 being a cause of it... and "oceans rising" has MUCH junk science behind it.

Still, I hope this data is preserved. The truth will win out in the long term. (as is already starting to happen)

Rob McEwen

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