--- r...@tristatelogic.com wrote:
From: "Ronald F. Guilmette" <r...@tristatelogic.com>

In message <20161201124527.9be45...@m0087798.ppops.net>, 
sur...@mauigateway.com wrote:

>What is your suggestion to keep the sky from falling?

My full answer, if fully elaborated, would bore you and 
everybody else to tears, so I'll try to give you an 
abbreviated version.

It seems to be that it comes down to three things... 
acceptance, leadership, and new thinking.

In acceptance you seem to want various laws made to 
control it.  

In leadership you seem to want the masses to uprise against 
the "tier 1" folks and force it there.

In new thinking you seem to want various governments to
band together to form a "law of cyber" coalition and for
a "you must be this tall to ride the internet" measurement.

You also mention "When is the industry going to start 
admitting to itself that individual end-lusers can be
dangerous, sometimes even to the tune of $tens of millions 
of dollars?  In short, when is this industry going to start 
vetting people..."

I believe 'this industry' does recognize it and no one can 
get a list of everyone on this planet that is allowed to 
'play' on the internet.

Did I get the gist of your response correct?


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