Oh god, you invoked @popehat ...

[dyndds and its customers sue XiongMai, the OEM integrators, and Does 
1-10,000,000 who own the devices for neglegence?...]

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 21, 2016, at 8:29 PM, Chris Woodfield <rek...@semihuman.com> wrote:
> As a Twitter network  engineer (and the guy Patrick let camp out in your 
> hotel room all day) - thank you for this. Whoever was behind this just poked 
> a hornet’s nest. 
> “Govern yourselves accordingly”.
> -C
> (Obviously speaking for myself, not my employer…)
>> On Oct 21, 2016, at 10:48 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore <patr...@ianai.net> wrote:
>> I cannot give additional info other than what’s been on “public media”.
>> However, I would very much like to say that this is a horrific trend on the 
>> Internet. The idea that someone can mention a DDoS then get DDoS’ed Can Not 
>> Stand. See Krebs’ on the Democratization of Censorship. See lots of other 
>> things.
>> To Dyn and everyone else being attacked:
>> The community is behind you. There are problems, but if we stick together, 
>> we can beat these miscreants.
>> To the miscreants:
>> You will not succeed. Search "churchill on the beaches”. It’s a bit 
>> melodramatic, but it’s how I feel at this moment.
>> To the rest of the community:
>> If you can help, please do. I know a lot of you are thinking “what can I 
>> do?" There is a lot you can do. BCP38 & BCP84 instantly come to mind. Sure, 
>> that doesn’t help Mirai, but it still helps. There are many other things you 
>> can do as well.
>> But a lot of it is just willingness to help. When someone asks you to help 
>> trace an attack, do not let the request sit for a while. Damage is being 
>> done. Help your neighbor. When someone’s house is burning, your current 
>> project, your lunch break, whatever else you are doing is almost certainly 
>> less important. If we stick together and help each other, we can - we WILL - 
>> win this war. If we are apathetic, we have already lost.
>> OK, enough motivational speaking for today. But take this to heart. Our 
>> biggest problem is people thinking they cannot or do not want to help.
>> -- 
>> TTFN,
>> patrick
>>> On Oct 21, 2016, at 10:55 AM, Chris Grundemann <cgrundem...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Does anyone have any additional details? Seems to be over now, but I'm very
>>> curious about the specifics of such a highly impactful attack (and it's
>>> timing following NANOG 68)...
>>> https://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/ddos-on-dyn-impacts-twitter-spotify-reddit/
>>> -- 
>>> @ChrisGrundemann
>>> http://chrisgrundemann.com

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