> On Sep 27, 2016, at 12:43 AM, Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org> wrote:
> Why not?  You call a washing machine mechanic when the washing
> machine plays up.  This is not conceptually different. 


Your logic is infallible here, but the equivalencies are not.  If I
drive on the road and it’s bumpy, I would complain to the road people,
but some people will take their car to the shop and says it shakes.

When you are a toll-free call away from a complaint, often this barrier
of proof is quite high.  I recall something that Vijay said when he was
still at AOL, if the customer phones in for support they lost all profit
on the customer for the lifetime of the customer.  

Given that most people make decisions based on lowest cost (which isn’t
always lowest or best due to marketing, promos, etc) the barrier for burden
of proof is set such that a carrier must prove to a non-technical user it’s
their fault.

This proof is tough, not impossible, but look at your EDNS project, the
problems are real and often can’t be easily addressed.

- Jared

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