I was working within the limits of what I had available.

I apologize if people on the list consider a network and systems
administrator reaching out to peers for assistance with a particular
problem that is clearly network related is inappropriate for a network
operations group list that may or may not have Google or Google affiliated
employees or contractors on it.

I will use more discretion in the future.

Sent from a phone. Please excuse the brevity of this message and any
typographical errors.

On Aug 26, 2016 17:18, "Mark Foster" <blak...@blakjak.net> wrote:

> Hi Mel, There's another mailing list called 'mailop' which is probably
> more appropriate for email related problems, than NANOG.
> And in response to Nate:
> I was in contact with Google and after some convincing and detailed header
>> information, they acknowledged that they are having internal MX issues and
>> assure me that they will deal with the issue promptly.
>> Initially they did not even acknowledge that there was a problem, so it
>> took several tiers of support people to finally see the issue.
>> I look forward to the ongoing exchanges on the list.
> Useful to know, but John is right - as cited, working through Google's
> support process, got somewhere.
> Further exchanges on NANOG are probably inappropriate.  A group like
> 'mailop' probably has a higher care factor, however.
> (I would also note that email delays that are demonstratably outside of
> your network (as headers will show) are very easily painted as something
> beyond your control, and the nature of email is very much 'best effort', so
> anyone playing the blame game needs a reality check. Just because email
> exchanges 'are often' near-instantaneous, does not mean they always will
> be.)
> Mark.
> On 27/08/2016 8:53 a.m., Mel Beckman wrote:
>> John,
>> With all due respect, it's S.O.P. for Nanogen to ask the list if anyone
>> else is experiencing a particular problem with some carrier or another. So
>> Nate's question is totally appropriate for this list. I know I've solved
>> several problems by airing them here and getting insight from other list
>> members.
>> -mel beckman
>> *snip*

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