Try more facts and less emotion. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "HonorFirst Name Ethics via NANOG" <> 
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2016 11:50:46 AM 
Subject: Zayo Extortion 

Question to the NANOG community, Is anyone else being extorted by Zayo? Is Zayo 
threatening shutdown over bogus and fabricated charges? 

The purpose of this message to the group is twofold: 1) to share our experience 
being extorted by Zayo with the community and 2) to understand the depth and 
extent of Zayo's less than ethical behavior by getting feedback from the 

Abovenet was a great organization with quality service, reasonable prices and 
nice folks to work with. Since being acquired by Zayo we have seen a 
significant degradation of service quality and responsiveness which is not 
unusual from a provider, but Zayo has taken things to a level of low ethics 
that would make Tony Soprano proud. 
Most interestingly they seem to identify points where you are dependent on them 
and threaten a shut down unless you pay them some arbitrary amount. In our case 
we use multiple Zayo IP, Transport, and Colo Services -- they set their 
extortion amount at $128,000. A completely arbitrary and fabricated number. 
They put significant pressure threatening to shut us down by setting their 
lawyers on us. 
Our detailed contract breakdowns, invoice and payment spreadsheets, along with 
all other commonsense and professional efforts were simply disregarded. At one 
point their lawyers and accounting people had the nerve to say "our accounting 
system does not track invoice details -- it only shows the total amount due so 
your numbers mean nothing to us." All the while they relentlessly levied 
disconnect threats with short timelines such as: "if you don't pay us $128,000 
by this Friday, we will shut your operation down." 
We have had anecdotal feedback that we are not alone in our experience and that 
there are many more like us. If you and your company have had a similar 
experience with Zayo, please share it with the group or if like us you are 
concerned about retaliation from Zayo, please respond privately. 

If the group shares their experiences the public shaming may drive Zayo to stop 
operating like mafia thugs. If the problem is as common as we suspect, it may 
warrant getting the Attorney General involved. 

In the mean time, I strongly urge anyone already in a relationship with Zayo or 
considering a relationship to make sure your are well diversified with other 
more ethical carriers. Otherwise please consider another organization to work 
In our case we were better of with Ransomeware, than Zayo as a vendor! Its 
cheaper and less damaging 

A Zayo victim and a NANOG Member 

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