On 7/27/16, David Hubbard <dhubb...@dino.hostasaurus.com> wrote:
> Full automation is planned but does not eliminate the need for the software.
>  Zero human auditing of fully automated processes and data collection are
> not acceptable to various certifying entities, the relevant auditors, the
> inevitably involved lawyers, and won’t pick up on bad data, like a bad
> thermometer or snmp counter that says a CRAC is 65 degrees when it’s really
> 90.  So I’m still going to need a management solution to the issue whether
> it’s to tell someone to do the work or to tell someone to check the
> automated work.

You have a ticketing system - right?  Create a cron job that creates a
ticket to check whatever.


> David
> On 7/27/16, 7:19 PM, "Lee" <ler...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     On 7/27/16, David Hubbard <dhubb...@dino.hostasaurus.com> wrote:
>     > Hi all, curious if anyone has recommendations on software that helps
> manage
>     > routine duties assigned to operations staff?
>     Have computers do the routine scut work - not people.
>     > For example, let’s say we have a P&P that says someone from the netops
> group
>     > must check that Rancid is successfully backing up all router configs
>     > bi-weekly.
>     You've got the source code for rancid, so change rancid-run to do
> something like
>       LOGFILE=$LOGDIR/$GROUP.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`; export LOGFILE
>     change the
>       ) >$LOGDIR/$GROUP.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S` 2>&1
>     to
>       ) >$LOGFILE 2>&1
>     and then in control_rancid do something like
>       grep "clogin error:" $LOGFILE | sort | uniq -c >$TMP.fail
>       if [ -s $TMP.fail ]; then
>          # got some output, mail the report
>          ...
>     Do the same type thing for checking on
>     > backup failures, backup internet circuit status, out of band
> interfaces, etc.
>     Automate the checks, put the scripts in crontab & mail out an
>     "OhNoes!" or "all clear" msg at the end.   At which point you're left
>     with the problem of making sure the managers are looking at the emails
>     & making sure whatever problems are found actually get fixed :)
>     Regards,
>     Lee

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