> Depends on whether or not the Registry wants their TLD to be associated with 
> spam/malware distribution/botnet C&C/phishing/pharming and be removed at 
> resolvers via RPZ or similar. Ultimately, the Registries are responsible for 
> the pool the Registrars are peeing in -- it's the Registry's namespace, is it 
> not?
> it's not clear, to me, that any of those hammers have real effect.

Not sure the RPZ hammer has been brought out in force yet. I've seen a few 
recommendations on various mailing lists, but no concerted effort. 
Unfortunately, there is no easy/scalable way to determine who a registrar for a 
given name is, so the hammer has to be applied to the TLD as a whole, which has 
unfortunate side effects...

>>  I love how people love to blame ICANN.
> but, they are the names and numbers authority, no? it says so in their name.

"Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers" -- Don't see "authority" 
in that name. :)

(speaking only for myself)

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