As a customer of OpenSRS they sent us a notice about the change. The notice, and this page you linked, speak to their customer communication about policy changes.

To be honest, I just breezed the email message and noted that it seemed like a positive change (without knowing the reasons that prompted the change). We rarely update registrant information and rarely transfer domains. We also know our customers. I expect this will have zero impact on our day to day operations other than potentially preventing some hijackings (we have had some customers experience hijackings in the days when all it took was a fax on letterhead to NetSol to get your domain info changed).

Jay R. Ashworth wrote on 7/4/2016 12:54 PM:
I'll go ahead and assume I wasn't the last person to get this memo (courtesy
Lauren Weinstein's PRIVACY Digest):

It does seem that this is going to make life difficult for a bunch of pretty
normal business processes.

If you didn't know about it either... ask yourself why not.

-- jra

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