> On Jun 14, 2016, at 11:12 AM, Matt Peterson <m...@peterson.org> wrote:
> This week at NANOG67, a presentation was given early on that did not
> reflect well for our community at large.

I think that the data presented was interesting but the style of
the presenter and tone could have been different.  It seemed
to be a variant of “The Rent is Too Damn High”[1] while it can
be interesting, there wasn’t a complete talk there IMHO.

The feedback mechanism for this is honestly the survey[2].  I’m confident
that the PC will take this input seriously and work with presenters
in this regard.

The IXP cost sheet[3] that is being maintained by Job I think gives an
idea of the peering vs transit costs assuming various bitrates and
list prices.

The fates of IXPs and their roles will naturally resolve itself through
market economics I suspect.

        - Jared

- snip - links - snip -
1 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rent_Is_Too_Damn_High_Party
2 - https://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog67/survey
3 - 

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