On Tue, 14 Jun 2016, William Herrin wrote:

Anyway, not a fan of dancing on eggshells. If something deserves to be
said, it should be said. If we can't take a little honesty, we're in
the wrong line of work.

 Yes! Though the "Hey that was negative! Don't say negative things about
 me!" mentality is not specific to our industry, but the American culture.

 As I parent, I see this every day with children -- parents dealing with
 everything that could be considered unpleasant on behalf of their child,
 and blaming others (teachers, other kids, other parents, solar flares)
 rather than taking on personal ownership of sometimes negative and
 complicated issues.

 Negative feedback, respectfully and objectively delivered, should be
 embraced as opportunities to improve ourselves, our products and our
 services, not shunned and silenced because it points out a flaw.

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com                                 http://www.angryox.com/

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