On 05/26/2016 10:47 AM, Avi Freedman wrote:

> For those who are monitoring LLDP, how have you found the SNMP MIB
> support support for it on Juniper, Cisco, Brocade, Arista, and
> others?
I can't speak to Brocade (just haven't been to a customer recently who
has their kit and wants topology), but I've found support from Juniper,
Cisco, and Arista to be very good. As long as the device software load
is reasonably modern and LLDP is lit up everywhere, topology usually
just works.

We added LLDP support a couple years ago to OpenNMS' L2/L3
link-discovery service daemon (on top of CDP, IS-IS, and OSPF).
Everything is done via SNMP, for now anyway. If you read Java, you can
profit from our experience by sifting through the various LLDP-related
classes in our code here:


Tangentially, we've also been working on integration with OpenDaylight,
which pretty much demands going ReSTful to gather underlay and overlay
topology data.


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