We use Observium for most of our SNMP monitoring, and it correctly pulls
LLDP and CDP data from all of our Cisco and Arista gear.

*Spencer Ryan* | Senior Systems Administrator | sr...@arbor.net
*Arbor Networks*
+1.734.794.5033 (d) | +1.734.846.2053 (m)

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 10:47 AM, Avi Freedman <freed...@freedman.net>

> Have had the question come up a few times, so I wanted to poll the
> community to see...
> For those who are monitoring LLDP, how have you found the SNMP MIB support
> support for it on Juniper, Cisco, Brocade, Arista, and others?
> Wondering if you've needed to resort to CLI scraping or APIs to get the
> data?
> Thanks,
> Avi Freedman
> CEO, Kentik

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