
Jericho is in no sense a low end chip, while there are some scale limitations 
(what can be done with SuperFEC, some bridging related stuff), from 
functionality prospective it is a very capable silicon.

One has to:
Understand how to program it properly (recursiveness, ECMP’s, etc) 
Know how to enhance SDK
Have a rather rich control plane, which can be translated into rich forwarding 
functionality :-)

I’m not familiar with Arista’s feature set
NCS with XR would be a good proof 

Watch for Jericho updates from DNX


On 4/23/16, 11:20 AM, "NANOG on behalf of Saku Ytti" < 
on behalf of> wrote:

>On 23 April 2016 at 10:52, Tom Hill <> wrote:
>> In broad strokes: for your money you're either getting port density, or
>> more features per port. The only difference here is that there's
>> suddenly more TCAM on the device, and I still don't see the above
>> changing too drastically.
>Yeah OP is comparing high touch chip (MX104) to low touch chip
>(Jericho) that is not fair comparison. And cost is what customer is
>willing to pay, regardless of sticker on the box. No one will pay
>significant mark-up for another sticker, I've never seen in RFP
>significant differences in comparable products.
>Fairer comparison would be QFX10k, instead of MX104. QFX10k is AFAIK
>only product in this segment which is not using Jericho. If this is
>competitive advantage or risk, jury is still out, I lean towards
>competitive advantage, mainly due to its memory design.
>  ++ytti

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