I've been seeing abuse reports from Sony lately, indicating IPs are blacklisted on the Playstation Network, mainly for attempted account compromise.
Indicating to check for traffic towards some endpoints, resolve the complaint else blacklist again, etc, etc. The address they direct inquiries to is snei-noc-ab...@am.sony.com - perhaps this is a reason and vector for your issue as well? ---- On Fri, 01 Apr 2016 17:31:16 -0500 Velocity Lists <voli...@staff.velocityonline.net> wrote ---- Can someone form Sony's Playstation network give me call or contact me offlist. One of our apartment complexes has been reporting errors of PS4s not working for a few days then they start working again. PSN Support is telling the users to call us. We have diagnosed it and PSN is blocking the IP of the complex and it has nothing to do with us. Velocity Online Rodger Lewis rcle...@velocityonline.net 850-205-4638 x201