No kidding, just like how every order on newegg of mine will always be cancelled
after the order is placed because of "problems with your order" if I do it
from my DSL provider's ip block.

Ken Chase -

On Sat, Apr 02, 2016 at 12:01:08PM +1300, Tony Wicks said:
  >Good luck with that! Sorry, long experience with them tells me that you are 
unlikely to get any help on that one.
  >-----Original Message-----
  >From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Velocity Lists
  >Sent: Saturday, 2 April 2016 11:31 AM
  >To: NANOG list <>
  >Subject: PlayStation Network blocking an IP
  >Can someone form Sony's Playstation network give me call or contact me 
  >One of our apartment complexes has been reporting errors of PS4s not working 
for a few days then they start working again.
  >PSN Support is telling the users to call us.
  >We have diagnosed it and PSN is blocking the IP of the complex and it has 
nothing to do with us.
  >Velocity Online
  >Rodger Lewis
  >850-205-4638 x201

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