On 16/Mar/16 17:41, Christopher Morrow wrote:
> my guess is the same as Owen's ... 'your rfq don't mean squat'. > honestly it's not like people don't ask their cogent sales folk for > this sort of thing, it's just not cogent's (clearly, given how long > the HE/Cogent thing along has persisted) way of doing things. > > Sometimes your belief system just isn't theirs. The first time I considered buying from Cogent was out of One Wilshire, back in 2010. I did a 1-month PoC with them. The global IPv6 BGP table was around 2,500 routes then. Cogent had only 100 or so, IIRC. I told them I would not sign with them due to this. Fast-forward to 2012, nothing much had changed when they tried to get me to buy from them again (out of London, this time), and I told them why. Then in 2014, they tracked me down again and confirmed they then had a full IPv6 BGP table. So I added them to my network (out of Amsterdam). Cogent form part of the 7x upstreams I have (not to mention all the peering we do). So if they de-peer some network, we aren't stuck. I have them on my network because they add value to some paths on the Internet, and not because of price. I'm one guy, so I can't say whether my actions over the years prompted a warm body within the Cogent machine to rethink their IPv6 strategy. But I think if you refuse to buy from them on principles that matter to you, and you tell them why, it could help. If it doesn't, move on - it won't be your loss. I would, though, say that the amount of support this list is giving Cogent to keep their heart beating is astounding. If there was ever a time for them to listen to their environment, this would be it. But alas... Mark.