Saku Ytti wrote:
> If customer does not react, put it on quarantine VLAN. This can be
> automated too. Wrong MTU => open internal case, contact customers
> email, no customer response in N days, quarantine VLAN.
> Even the most outrageous success stories in the world, majority of the
> people would have said before attempting that it won't work, because
> that is safe and easy. And usually they are right, most things don't
> work, but it's very difficult to actually know without trying what
> works and what does.
> Luckily we have actual IXPs running big and small VLAN MTUs, even
> without this monitoring capability, and it Internet still works.
Imo, there is not enough value for an IXP to do such monitoring,
especially assuming we agree
on Richard Steenbergen's conclusion in his presentation.

Promoting that kind of monitoring  as a differentiator will surely help
adding an extra bullet
point on marketing material, but will be a trivial part in the decision
process of a potential customer.


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