On January 17, 2016 at 13:09 do...@dougbarton.us (Doug Barton) wrote: > On 1/17/2016 12:44 PM, b...@theworld.com wrote: > > We need an effective forum with effective participation perhaps > > eventually leading to signed contractual obligations agreed to by all > > parties. > > Not gonna help. The same people who have no incentive to do the right > thing now will still have no incentive to join the group you propose.
How about if backed by an agreement with the 5 RIRs stating no new resource allocations or transfers etc unless a contract is signed and enforced? Or similar. Anyhow the point is that the same methods can be used, it's just that if one uses a contractual obligation (or refusal to sign thereto) and some process for adjudication at least it can take on the appearance of transparent fair play and violation of rules everyone has agreed to abide by rather than vigilantism. > > I've said it before, and it's an unpopular option, but the only way that > this will change is to make it more expensive to do the wrong thing than > it is to do the right thing. That means lawsuits filed by companies that > have been harmed as a result of those that are not doing the right > thing. That will produce the incentives which will be recognized and > understood by all layers of management, and result in real action for > the better. Lawsuits are just looking for some external authority (a court, of what jurisdiction?) to do what should have been done within the industry itself. So now we'd have a court, and a jury of bus drivers and senior citizens, trying to figure out what the problem really is? I thought a lot of this started over international problems. Ever tried to get a court order or subpoena enforced in Lower Slobbovia? (no, because there is no such place as Lower Slobbovia, but you can fill in that blank I'm sure.) > As nice as it would be if everyone were to do the right thing because > it's the right thing, we already have ample evidence that won't happen. > Time to stop pretending otherwise. Might have something to do with the unsophisticated way this is being approached? -- -Barry Shein Software Tool & Die | b...@theworld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: +1 617-STD-WRLD | 800-THE-WRLD The World: Since 1989 | A Public Information Utility | *oo*