> On Jan 5, 2016, at 00:09 , Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Jan 2016, Jared Mauch wrote:
>> I for one welcome the iOS update that brings v6 APN native access to my 
>> phone, or at least v4v6 APN setting.
> That's not how it's done on Apple, they (together with the operator) control 
> the APN settings. There are several mobile networks that run IPv4v6 on iOS 
> (all LTE enabled devices support this) for almost a year (I believe it was 
> iOS 8.3 in March 2015 that started to support this for more general 3GPP 
> providers).
> But getting IPv4v6 bearer working in a mobile network is non-trivial and it 
> still brings the CGN mess, so a lot of mobile providers prefer to use IPv6 
> only with translation to reach IPv4 sites. That's where Cameron is coming 
> from, and it's perfectly understanable mode of operation.

Except that the only mode of translation Cameron is willing to support is the 
one which isn’t available in iOS, so we have a religious war between T-Mo and 
Apple where T-Mo says “Support 464Xlat or suffer” and Apple says “No, you 
support one of the mechanisms already supported in iOS”.

> Apple seems to be working to make IPv6 only+AFTR happen and I have good hopes 
> that they'll succeed in 2016.

Good that one of them is finally backing down on the previous stupidity, but 
for a variety of reasons, I wish it had been T-mo.


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