It looks like WarVOX has been rolled into Metasploit….  I guess using SIP 
trunking could accomplish the same thing – we don’t need to actually connect to 
the OOB modem on the other side, we just need a NO ANSWER/ANSWER kind of 
response.  I will investigate SIP software to accomplish this, unless someone 
has quick pointers?  ☺

Thank you,


From: Bacon Zombie []
Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2015 10:59
To: James Laszko
Subject: Re: Modem as a service?

Have you looked into scheduled scans with WarVOX?
On Dec 6, 2015 7:39 PM, "James Laszko" 
<<>> wrote:
We are looking to automate testing of OOB modem connections when our NMS 
detects a site connection failure.  Rather than have a live body call a modem 
number (or even a fax) to see if it answers (to determine if there is a 
potential site power issue), we'd like to be able to utilize some "Modem as a 
service" to automate this.  I've exhausted my Google skills trying to see if 
anything like this exists.  Anyone have any experience?

Thank you,

James Laszko
Mythos Technology Inc<><<>>

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